var City = new Array(); City[0] = "Mumbai"; City[1] = "Delhi"; City[2] = "Bangalore"; City[3] = "Chennai"; City[4] = "Hyderabad"; City[5] = "Ahmedabad"; City[6] = "Kolkata"; City[7] = "Surat"; City[8] = "Pune"; City[9] = "Jaipur"; City[10] = "Lucknow"; City[11] = "Kanpur"; City[12] = "Nagpur"; City[13] = "Visakhapatnam"; City[14] = "Indore"; City[15] = "Thane"; City[16] = "Bhopal"; City[17] = "Pimpri-Chinchwad"; City[18] = "Patna"; City[19] = "Vadodara"; var catchText3; var promoCount; function showHydeWin(mode, vell){ var showVell = vell; var theWindow = document.getElementById("popWindow"); var opStart; var opEnd; if(mode === "+"){ opStart = 0; opEnd = 1; }else if(mode === "-"){ opStart = 1; opEnd = 0; showVell = -vell; }else{ return; } var count = opStart; var showLoop = setInterval(function(){ = count; count += showVell; if(mode === "+"){ if(count > opEnd){ = opEnd; clearInterval(showLoop); } }else if(mode === "-"){ if(count < opEnd){ = opEnd; clearInterval(showLoop); return; } } },17); }; function genRandNum(min, max){ var count = Math.floor((Math.random() * (max-min)) + min); return count; }; function showBoxTime(sec, vell){ showHydeWin("+", vell); var n = 0; var showLoop = setInterval(function(){ if(n > sec){ showHydeWin("-", vell); clearInterval(showLoop); return; } n ++; },1000); }; function setBoxText(num){ switch(num){ case 1: var text = "At the moment there are 157 visitors on this site."; var count = genRandNum(150, 250); document.getElementById("popWindow").innerHTML = text.replace("100", ""+count+""); break; case 2: var text = "An order from CITY was just made."; var city = City[Math.floor(Math.random()*City.length)]; document.getElementById("popWindow").innerHTML = text.replace("CITY", ""+city+""); break; case 3: var text = "15 promo price packages left!"; var count = genRandNum(4, 8); catchText3 = count; document.getElementById("popWindow").innerHTML = text.replace("15", ""+count+""); break; default: return; } return; }; function welcomeUser(){ var time = 0; var custTime = genRandNum(9, 12); var userLoop = setInterval(function(){ if(time === 0){ setBoxText(1); showBoxTime(4, 0.05); } if(time === custTime){ setBoxText(2); showBoxTime(4, 1); } if(time === custTime+7){ setBoxText(3); promoCount = catchText3; showBoxTime(5, 0.01); clearInterval(userLoop); customLead(genRandNum(7, 20)); } time ++; },1000); }; function customLead(sec){ setTimeout(function(){ var time = 0; var leadLoop = setInterval(function(){ if(time === 0){ setBoxText(2); showBoxTime(4, 1); } if(time === 7){ promoCount --; if(promoCount > 0){ document.getElementById("popWindow").innerHTML = "There are only "+promoCount+" promo price packages left."; }else{ document.getElementById("popWindow").innerHTML = "

If you order now, you will buy the product on a promotional price!!!

"; } showBoxTime(5, 0.01); } if(time === 14){ clearInterval(leadLoop); if(promoCount > 0){ customLead(genRandNum(2, 20)); } } time ++; },1000); },sec*1000); }; window.onload = welcomeUser;